What are the requirements to use Mobizen Studio?

To capture Webcam feeds via browser, check the requirements below.


 1. Internet connection speed 

To broadcast, we recommend a minimum of 15 mbps upload speed.

Note: Usually, an ethernet connection offers a faster and more reliable connection than Wi-Fi or 4G/LTE.



2. System requirements 

A system that meets a minimum specification to run the latest games should be sufficient.


Mobizen Requirements
PD Broadcast
Join Speaker Broadcast
Device Desktop or Laptop Desktop or Laptop
Internet Upload speed 15+ Mbps 10+ Mbps
Browser Google Chrome Google Chrome
Version Latest Latest
CPU intel i7 - 5 (5th gen) +
intel i5 - 8 (8th gen) +
RAM 8 GB+  
Video Card GPU examples
AMD RX 570
AMD Vega 8
Intel iris+ 655
NVidia MX150
Nvidia GTX180


Note: Broadcast is still available without meeting the system requirements. However, quality and performance may be affected.

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