Delete Your Mobizen Studio Account
Deleting your account will remove your personal information from Mobizen Studio, such as stream recordings, linked broadcasting account lists, studio lists, and broadcast history. This action cannot be canceled or recover in the future after it has been deleted.
How to delete your Mobizen Studio account
Step 1. Login to your Mobizen Studio account.
Step 2. Move to My Account > My page
Step 3. Check email ID information of the account settings and click 'Delete account'.
Step 4. Check Mobizen account deleting email sending instructions, and click 'Send delete account email' button.
Step 5. Check the account deletion code at received email.
Step 6. Enter the delete security code(6 digit code) on input box and click 'Account permanently removed' button.
Confirm the account permanently deleted pop-up message.
If this has not been resolved with help, please contact us using the method below.
1. Contact us through the 'Contact Us' or 'Submit a request' button.